
TheDarkestTaleschroniclesthegloomyandsinisteradventuresofastuffedbearnamedTeddyonaquesttorescuehisownerAliciafromtherealmofgrisly ...,JoinastuffedbearnamedTeddyonthisgloomyandsinisteradventuretorescuehisowner,Alicia,fromtherealmofdreamsanddistortedchildhoodfantasies.,TheDarkestTalesisagamewithdeepandmysteriouslore.Asyouprogressanddefeatmonsters,you'llunveilthemysteriesofthisnightmarishworld.Ho...

The Darkest Tales

The Darkest Tales chronicles the gloomy and sinister adventures of a stuffed bear named Teddy on a quest to rescue his owner Alicia from the realm of grisly ...

The Darkest Tales

Join a stuffed bear named Teddy on this gloomy and sinister adventure to rescue his owner, Alicia, from the realm of dreams and distorted childhood fantasies.

The Darkest Tales for Nintendo Switch

The Darkest Tales is a game with deep and mysterious lore. As you progress and defeat monsters, you'll unveil the mysteries of this nightmarish world. How will ...

購買The Darkest Tales

The Darkest Tales. 101XP•動作與冒險•平台遊戲. NT$859.00. 11 種支援語言. 11 種支援語言. 購買. 新增至願望清單. ○ ○ ○.